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About the ‘Relaxation’ session


Comments / recommendations / testimonials from Students and clients following working with

Neutral Space Relaxation®

Whether you are looking for space; staying clear and relaxed in the workplace; maintaining a sense of well-being in your everyday life or resolution – we are here to work with you in delivering all of the benefits of relaxation.  …

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Benefits of the

Neutral Space Relaxation®

 Action Model

Nov 2024

Following the session it felt like I had been put back together, back in balance.  Z - Devon

Nov 22 - Client

Gentle Touch that just does you good!! Want to dissolve & feel how that can be? LA Devon

Nov 22 - Student (Intro)

Expansion of amazement at the wonder of ‘us’ as bodies & spiritual entities, a very gentle and appreciative day of exchange & learning; well worth it. LA Devon

May 22 - Client

Had my first session at Neutral Space Relaxation this morning with Graham. He’s on the ball and knows his stuff; and helped so much. As a sufferer with depression and anxiety, this 45 minute session helped more than I had ever expected. Well priced and so worth the visit.

Thanks so much  BP  West Dorset UK

May 2021 Student

I greatly enjoyed the ‘Intro Day’ it was an immense experience. Very hands on and wonderful experience. A beautiful day and technique.”      M.A.S Portsmouth

Aug 2020 Student

“Definitely ‘feeling’ being more relaxed, lighter, happier & more of a sense of calmness, connectedness.

AT West Sussex

Dear Lyn and Graham,
Thank you again for the most wonderful 3 days of training to become a NSR practitioner.  I found everything from the theory and practical so enlightening and informative, I was captivated throughout.  To be able to experience the changes in my body and energy whilst training was such a good learning tool.
Your teaching, understanding and delivery of your knowledge is a credit to you both and I loved every minute. Thank you, with love Ali Throup

September 2012 Student

"I found Neutral-Space Relaxation to be thoroughly amazing - so gentle, yet so powerful. The technique enabled me to reach a deep state of relaxation in both mind and body - I felt completely 'blissed out'! Lyn and Graham are such lovely, warm people and such excellent teachers/facilitators, I would most definitely recommend  N-S Relaxation to everyone”.

CG. Devon


“Thank you an amazing and fascinating insight into NSR Relaxation. I have really enjoyed learning about this work and I’m excited to be able to share incredibly relaxing experience with friends and family. I feel so lucky to have received the training from such lovely co-founders. Thank you.

RR West Sussex Oct19


I attended the 3 day  NS Relaxation Course in West Dorset in May this year. The whole experience was extremely positive, uplifting and beneficial for all of us who took part and on multiple levels. The course content is superb and is clearly the fruits of many years of thoughtful, caring and thorough research and development. Lyn and Graham are outstanding teachers and have a great way at both an individual and group level. Somehow they seem to be able to pitch things just right and the 3 days had a very natural, energising yet calm and relaxed flow.

I left the course with knowledge, insight and understanding and the practical lessons and tools to make NS part of my personal and business practice. I felt and continue to be feel a greater inner calm, balance and greater confidence and conviction. I am excited by the possibilities and potential that NS space offers to us all.

This body work has massive potential as a force for good which could positively impact the lives of many. NS can be an enabler for us to ground, relax and recharge and go out there and live our lives to the full and be the best we can be! Full of good energy and potential! A big thank you to Lyn and Graham and all the amazing people I met as part of this wonderful programme"

James D  Dorset  2018


Lyn and Graham Whiteman are true healers through and through. They have developed a system of bodywork that when experienced really does quickly relax one and relieves stress. I know this because I was lucky enough to have a session from Graham. Their bodywork system is also very teachable and therefore can reach many more people. This book gives reasoning behind the importance of letting go of stress and some direction. It is not a bodywork manual, but a reminder of how important it is to be centered and relaxed and how you can find ways to do that

The intro day was amazing. You get to know the relaxation technique step by step in a very simple and easy way, accessible to anyone. The technique itself is very simple to practice, and extraordinarily effective.

As a massage therapist I had several experiences in the holistic environment, and I can say that this is the best relaxing amazing experience I've ever had, powerful and real.

BF New York 2017


…….  I find myself facing the same difficult situations, but with a different attitude, a new freedom and balance in taking my decision, without being trapped in the old automatic patterns of my mind. I've got a different clarity in seeing things, and I know exactly what I want. I can see clearly which decision I would take thinking of my best, and which other decision I would normally take just for the people's approval.

Physically I feel better, more energy, more balance, more presence of my body. I had problems around my eyes, if there was too much sun, if it was too windy, they started burning. Now I don't feel anything at all, since I had that experience.

I would suggest it to anyone, it's a technique for everyone, it's not invasive at all but very very effective.

E E (Sussex) May 2016


January 2017 Student / Practitioner

I had some reservations regarding the content of the course and the practical applications in a professional environment. Over the three days with L and G , I believe that we can make a valuable contribution to the lifestyles of those we work with...


January 2017 Student /Practitioner

Lots of new ideas learnt that I can now take away , not only in my professional but also in my personal life...


January 2017 Student / Practitioner

.... I would recommend this training, to open up avenues of 'self discipline’ and relaxation that are available to anyone” Just need to be able to see and feel the state of balance”.


January 2017 Student / Practitioner

The course has been professionally taught by Lyn and Graham, who show they have great pride in all areas covered on the course…..


January 2017 Student / Practitioner

Facilitators Lyn and Graham are very knowledgeable and venue well suited to the course ...


January 2017 Student / Practitioner

Intriguing and well put together course, progressively learning and experiencing...



Advanced Practitioner

The course was great, I enjoyed every moment, from the theory to the meditation and the practice. I love this technique and the theory behind is fascinating. Ten years ago I knew I wanted to help people healing working with hands, but I didn't know how. I like alternative therapies but I wanted to find something that was profound, immediate, and gentle, and that considered the person as a whole , not trying to fix just one part. I can't believe I've found it. I feel very lucky and blessed having found you and the neutral.

You two are amazing and explain things greatly, giving more and more input and creating a lovely peaceful atmosphere.

I definitely recommend it to my friends!

Thank you so much! E.E  West Sussex   November 2017

May 2021 Practitioner

“I have been performing Neutral Space Relaxation for almost 2 years now and it is by far the nicest, most effective treatment for relaxing my clients that I currently do."    LH Surrey


June 2024 Student

The Neutral Space ‘deep relaxation' course has profoundly changed my perception, opened up more responsiveness to life, more joy and more resilience to the ups and downs of life. I still feel them but I am not consumed by them. I am lighter and finding more playfulness and acceptance with myself and life. It is tricky to put into words the impact the 3 days training has had on me as the benefit continue to unfold weeks after attending.

Graham and Lyn completely embody the Neutral Space way of being, and being in their presence and the space they hold is teaching within itself. I am grateful from the depths of my heart to both of you for this gift and for all you have created within Neutral Space Relaxation®.

I know I will be coming back to learn more so I too can share what you have given me with others.  Emma - Sussex


Oct 2019 Student

“Really beautiful training provided by two very special ‘Earth Angels’, this work is life changing and life enhancing, so thank you. What a great gift.      RR Sussex                         


After reading  Lyn and Grahams book Stress Less More Success, I became very aware of how I was feeling in myself and was actually craving the feeling of complete and total relaxation.  

Due to building our new home which was causing stress, good and bad, I felt that I was out of balance and even though I practice in alternative therapies I wasn't able to bring myself to that balanced state on my own.  I was feeling very heavy in my body and felt that it was a struggle just walking, it was a strange feeling and I knew I needed to release negative energy as it was weighing me down, literally.

The treatment was so powerful and intense for me, as Lyn is a friend and I have experience regression with her I was very relaxed and trusted her experience and capabilities as a healer and allowed myself to truly let go knowing I was in completely safe hands.   The gentle hand placements and movements that were made to parts of my body caused me t feel like something had been unlocked within me and I felt the life force energy ( The Flow) moving, I can only describe it as the lovely ache you feel from having experienced acupuncture, where the energy is released, but it was so much stronger, I then felt my body filling up with the energy till I was so full.  I released a lot of unnecessary burdening attachments and feel so much lighter......I would highly recommend A.I.R as a relaxation treatment and much more.

Thank you Lyn  — Ali Throup 2016


Student 2019

It’s been life changing. Just learning how I can improve my own life, and help others improve theirs, is such a priceless gift. Money and material things don’t buy happiness, but these life changing skills can bring huge contentment that can pave the way to improving the quality of your own life, and thus increase the potential for happiness’.

‘I am so delighted to have this opportunity not just to learn an amazing set of skills to improve the quality of my own life, but to share it with loved ones. It’s been an amazing learning journey and also given me a great insight into myself and my own personal, plus spiritual growth.

What an honour to have been trained by Lyn and Graham

R.R West Sussex Oct 2019


May 2017 Client

…….My Neutral Space Relaxation session with Lyn was unforgettable.  I was almost immediately able to access the deepest state of meditation where I felt I was really relaxed and in harmony with my core essence.   I can't wait to learn this modality for myself.

CD Dorset


A week ago, I had a ‘Neutral-Space Relaxation Session’. I booked the session with Graham, as I had found myself feeling the effects of on-going stress in my life for a variety of different reasons.  My shoulders, neck and back were tense and ached, a niggling headache in the background nudging me to do something about it, and a general feeling of ‘out of sorts’.

Additionally, the worst part of how I had been feeling before the session, were the unusual feelings for me of ‘anxiety and fear’, cropping up and challenging me to the core of my being.  I have no idea where all this was coming from, or what really was causing it, but I knew I had to do something to address it.

After one session of Neutral Space Relaxation, which lasted for about an hour, I felt more than a 50% improvement, and this has continued to improve on an ongoing basis over the following days.

I have continued to feel calm, centred, happy and relaxed, and able to know that the session was certainly of great benefit to me.

So I want to say a huge thank you Graham, it made such a difference to me, and I am looking forward to having the next session, as I explained above, there has been a great improvement in how I am feeling!

S.N.W  Chichester, West Sussex   August 2012


Introduction Day

"The Neutral Space Relaxation introductory day is an excellent therapeutic experience in its own right, should you be in need of some alternative treatment for any stress related ailment. It also provides the basics for helping others to relax and re-balance their energies."

Chris J  - Hampshire


Client 2018

"I was offered a relaxation session, along with my friend. We arrived together without a clue as to what it was all about except that it was a form of deep relaxation. We both had our own reasons for needing to relax, mine was more stress related and she suffered daily chronic pain.

We did a brief visualisation first which I found lovely. Then I lay on the couch and closed my eyes. Almost immediately I found myself floating in a deep, warm, velvety dark void. I chose not to marvel at this but just to go with it as I was most deeply relaxed already! This was even with light coming through the windows, outside motor car noises, and at one stage, a knock at the window! I was aware of these things but it was as if they were occurring far away from me. They didn’t disturb my blissful state. Another time my consciousness realised that Lyn was working gently with my feet. At the same time I realised that throughout the experience I was being gently but firmly held across the core of my body. How was she able to maintain this whilst also massaging my foot and ankle area? I almost opened my eyes to have a look but I was so deeply relaxed that it seemed not to matter.

After the session I mentioned this. Of course Lyn had not been in two places at once. But I maintain that I was gently supported throughout the treatment even though Lyn wasn’t touching the middle of my body at any time. My friend and I left feeling relaxed and at ease and completely pain free.

Two days later I was heating up some mashed potatoes in the microwave. They were steaming hot and I noticed some liquid condensation on the sides. I quickly tipped the liquid out into the sink and the boiling hot fluid passed between two of my fingers scalding them. I immediately ran cold water over the burns and also applied ice. The pain was horrific. I almost started to panic. And then I remembered the Neutral Session that I had experienced and took two deep breaths, closed my eyes and mentally put my throbbing fingers into that velvety dark void. I quietly allowed my body to rest there and within seconds I felt the pain ebb away. When I opened my eyes I looked at my still red fingers and this next part you will have to take my word for. I watched the redness between my fingers disappear. If it didn’t happen to me, I don’t think I would have believed it. The redness disappeared from the top of the inside of both fingers all the way down to the space in between them. There was no blistering, scarring, no sign of a burn at all! This was a side effect that I had certainly not expected! I haven’t had an opportunity to test this out since but whatever happens, I now have a place of peace instead of panic to return to.

Thank you, Lyn and Graham, for sharing the session with me.

J E Cornwall

Sessions for Health Recovery Relaxation Traininig Course by Neutral Space Health Recovery and your own Business