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R e l a x    ~   R e c o v e r   ~   R e c o n n e c t

Neutral Space Relaxation®  

3 Day NSR Advanced Practitioner Course

Relaxation Specialist & Self Care

Saturday - Sunday - Monday Sept 16th - 18th 2023

Charmouth West Dorset.

Neutral Space Relaxation® NSR Advanced Practitioner Course

The aim of the Advanced Course is to introduce the NSR Practitioner, to a more in-depth awareness of the range of bodywork that totally relaxes the Client.

We will be integrating the previous skill sets from the NSR Practitioner course and bringing this to a deeper and more profound level.

The role of the practitioner is to allow / facilitate the return to balance for the client, even when drawn to work in a particular area; the return to balance is allowing the power of relaxation to expand, which plays a major role in change for the client.

The course contains:

Day 1               

Relaxation pathways within the body

expansion of ‘space’. Elements,  Nervous System.

Day 2  

Setting the space client / Practitioner.

Working with the fundamentals of relaxation principles.

Bodywork practice

Day 3

Working with the Body.

Neutral Space Techniques.

Bodywork Programme and Suggested exercises for you and your clients

Within the course we deliver the explanation on how we can understand choice, with strategies to make a difference for life balance. Learn how to recognise stress reactions and progress the reactions to responses, allowing the movement away from stress and towards relaxation.

As Humanity we judge our emotional response through the mind, therefore sometimes positive and sometimes negative.

We overlay our emotional patterning on top of the flow of energy, so with judgement in place within the energy we place a label of negative or we place a label of positive.

The reaction or responses, to events are our emotional patterning.

To join this course, use the link to print a booking form, and use the

Book Now  link   to pay instantly £450

to 'Neutral Space Ltd' and send a copy of the completed Booking Form by email.

If you wish to contact us please phone or


See Web page


"The time spent having a Neutral Space Relaxation is always very rewarding and leaves me feeling at peace".  CH Surrey

This is So much More that anyone can put into words!  C.B  Devon

…….My Neutral Space Relaxation session with Lyn was unforgettable.  

I was almost immediately able to access the deepest state of meditation where I felt I was really relaxed and in harmony with my core essence.   I can't wait to learn this modality for myself.  CD Dorset

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£50 Deposit       £450 Workshop

NSR Advanced Practitioner -

Booking form (opens PDF for printing)

See Diary for Dates

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Relaxation Specialists - Sessions and Training

All our courses are accredited by:


The Relaxation Academy

The Relaxation Academy - Redefining Relaxation LOGO for IPHM