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Relaxation Training Courses for Stress Management, Productivity and Happiness Neutral Space Relaxation - Bussiness Support for Stress Management - Training Courses (Corporate) Relax Recover Reconnect NSR Relaxation NSR Reconnect NSR Relax Recover Relax Recover Reconnect lower panel Love Your Health | Life is there for you



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SessionsNeutral Space Training Course - Professional Relaxation Sessions

TrainingNeutral Space Relaxation Practitioner Training Course - Professional Relaxation

About our Courses

About the ‘Relaxation’ session

****3 Day Practitioner

West Dorset

with Neutral Space  Relaxation® Click for Information, Join us and enjoy the relaxation training.

Relaxation Traininig Course by Neutral Space Sessions for Health Recovery Health Recovery and your own Business


Practitioner Training for Working with your own Clients


Neutral Space Relaxation® Bodywork Sessions

Facilitation for your own Teaching Space with Neutral Space Relaxation®

The Neutral (NSR) Experience:

Your stress levels can reduce dramatically after a Neutral Space Relaxation® session, on a couch, working on the complete body, head to toes.

This relaxation gives rise to improvements in all of the body’s systems, with a calmer breathing rhythm, and improved mind focus.

Your personal resolution to STRESS situations taking care of the overload management that you maybe encountering, right NOW, that means you can live your life more freely, happily and potentially successfully. Neutral is primary source information for self-care, more than you might think.

Lowering of Anxiety symptoms and relieving Depression levels, we assist you to improve any stress related conditions, you will leave blissfully relaxed, feeling recovered and reconnected.

To book your session

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Relaxation Training Courses from

Neutral Space Relaxation®

We facilitate Training Courses starting with our gentle introduction to bodywork, a day of sharing with other students this simple way of complete body relaxation.

Many continue on to our Relaxation Practitioner Course some as a career change, or additional modality to add to their practice, and some for the personal development aspects of this course. We also offer Advanced and Facilitator courses for those wishing to share this work as a Training Business in the field of Energy Bodywork Relaxation, offering Neutral Space Relaxation Training Courses.

We have OPTIONS Packages for you if you know what level wish to achieve from our courses


The Star of Relaxation for Love Your Health

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The Star of Relaxation for Love Your Health

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The Star of Relaxation for Love Your Health

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Welcome to Neutral Space Relaxation®

Stress Management by Relaxation Sharing

Relaxation - Access your Session - Link for Neutral Space Relaxation Session

Neutral Space Relaxation Knigsbridge group enjoying the training course on Relaxation Link to information on Neutral Space Relaxation Sessions
Relaxation Training Course from Neutral Space



Q What good is


When ‘I’m Stressed’ ?

Enhancing and strengthening your

immune system

Training with Neutral Space Relaxation® follows a pathway:

Professional Training

 If you wish to be trained thoroughly as a Professional Neutral Space Relaxation® Practitioner, to enable you to run your own business at home or work anywhere in UK, then this is the Course for you. Each Module can be taken as part-time training to achieve various levels of Practitioner or Facilitator/Trainer depending on your experience and goals.  This is a full course leading to different levels of expertise which can be achieved gradually over time. You can be a Relaxation Specialist after 4 days of intensive learning experience and practice plus 15 hours of Case Studies to complete the first level of Practitioner. Further support and ongoing training(s) are available up to Advanced Practitioner and beyond to being trained in Neutral Space Principles ENSP Educated in Neutral Space® Principles (Equivalent to: Educated in Polarity Principles).

Introduction day - Simple Relaxation. Can be shared, friends and family.

Practitioner Course - For Professional Use

Adv. Practitioner Course - Deepening the understandings

Facilitator Training - For Training the Courses for which Neutral Space are recognised specialists.

Sports Trainers / Physical Education Instructors -

Core Relaxation, Bespoke study

Neutral Principles Study - Professional Study. Talk to us for information, insights and the opportunities available to you.

Course Information         Diary Dates

Courses - part of the relaxation technique routine

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Image of the Neutral Space Relaxcation EBook - The Neutral Way of Coping with Stress

The Neutral Way of  Coping with Stress

Image of the Neutral Space Relaxcation EBook - Coping with StressE-Book - Please fill in your details

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IPHM Logo IPHM Logo The Relaxation Academy - Logo TCCHE Conference 2021

TCCHE 2022 | OCT 7-9


A little about us: in 2007 the relaxation work became a totally new way of working. We realised just how beneficial and relaxing it is to receive this bodywork, and in 2011 formed the Company ‘Neutral Space Limited', our Education and Training Business, near Charmouth, Dorset.   Neutral Space Relaxation® Training is accredited by                The Relaxation Academy and IPHM            more …  

Lyn and graham Whiteman the Authorties on relaxation worldwide

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